Rancho Monserate Golfing Señoras By-Laws
Article I
Name and Relationship to Rancho Monserate Country Club Homeowners Association
Section 1 The name of this organization shall be RANCHO MONSERATE GOLFING SEÑORAS, hereafter referred to as Señoras, or the Club, a non-profit organization.
Section 2 The Señoras shall be a special activity of Rancho Monserate Country Club Homeowners Association (RMCC) under the direction of RMCC’s Board of Directors. None of the By-Laws and standing rules of the Señoras shall be contrary to or in conflict with the By-Laws of RMCC.
Article II
Section 1 The objectives and purposes of the Señoras are to promote foster, regulate, develop and conduct activities among the members of the Club as follows:
a) Hold weekly tournaments, an annual Club Championship Tournament, President’s Cup Tournament and any other special tournaments throughout the year;
b) Promote and hold such social and recreational activities as the general membership may desire;
c) Promote good fellowship and sportsmanship among RMCC women golfers;
d) Define and abide by certain necessary local golf rules as well as United State Golf Association’s (USGA) rules and at all times encourage the practice of generally acknowledged good golf etiquette; and
e) Establish handicaps according to the USGA.
Article III
Membership and Dues
Section 1 All RMCC women residents, including short-term renters, can be members of the Señoras. There are two qualifications for membership:
a) Active members, who must establish a golf handicap according to local rues; and
b) Social members, who must be former active members of the Club. To be an active member, one must have an established handicap (20 games).
c) There may be occasions when voting rights are restricted to only active members of the Club.
Section 2 All Señoras shall abide by and support the By-Laws and Standing Rules of the Club. From time to time additional rules may apply to special events of the Club.
Section 3 (As of June 1, 2012), the annual cost of an active membership is fifteen dollars ($15.00) and six dollars ($6.00) for a social membership.
a) Dues shall be paid to the Membership Chair at the beginning of the fiscal year I>E. every June1, and shall be delinquent on June 30 of the same year.
b) Members’ names whose dues are delinquent as of June 30 will not appear on the new roster. They are ineligible for Tuesday play days and for any other Tuesday activities. If a member is absent for health or vacation reasons during this one month open window, the late pay will be accepted.
c) Membership dues for part time resident owners and short-term renters are fifteen dollars ($15.00) per year and are not prorated.
d) Each member who plays in the Tuesday tournaments, the Club Championship, or any other special event during the year, shall pay the required entry fee at the specified time to the person designated to collect such fees. If such fees are deemed inadequate to operate the Club, the Señoras Board of Directors, with the consent of the majority of the general membership of the Club, shall have the power to adjust the necessary fees or levy a special assessment.
Article IV
Government and Management
Section 1 There shall be an elected board of officers and directors (Board), consisting of the following: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Director, and Luncheon Director. For some positions two officers may be elected.
a) The Board shall also include non-elected chairpersons of the following committees: Handicap, Hospitality, Membership, Ringer, rules, Special Awards and Parliamentarian.
b) One or more persons will be appointed by the President to serve on a Greens Committee together with Men’s Golf Club members in liaison with RMCC’s Board of Directors.
c) The Board shall be subject to the Club’s By-Laws and Standing Rules and shall manage the policies, business, funding and affairs of the Club.
Section 2 The Club’s fiscal year shall be from June 1st through May 31st. The officers and directors for that year are installed at the first general meeting of the fiscal year. These officers and directors shall serve in their elected capacities for one year, or until their successors are elected and in any case, for not more than two consecutive years in any one office.
Article V
Duties of Elected Board
Section 1 The President shall:
a) Be the chief Executive and Administrative Officer of the Club, presiding at all meetings of the Club and Board.
b) Appoint chairpersons for Hospitality and Membership committees and a Parliamentarian. Chair position may be shared.
1) A Parliamentarian will be appointed to act as an advisor to the presiding officers on matters of procedure.
c) From time to time and with approval of the Board, create special committees to fill such special needs that may arise.
d) Appoint an active member to fulfill the duties of a Board official who resigns, or for any reason is unable to full the obligations of her office.
Section 2 The Vice-president shall:
a) Act as assistant to the President.
b) Assume the duties of any Board member during that Board member’s temporary absence.
c) Be responsible for submission of a new article about Señoras activities for RMCC’s Las Noticias newsletter.
d) Assume the duties of the President for the remainder of the term of office if the President resigns or is otherwise unable to fulfill her duties for any reason.
e) Appoint another Club member to assume the duties of the Vice-president for the remainder of the term of office.
Section 3 The Secretary shall:
a) Record and maintain full and complete minutes of all meetings of the Club and of the Board;
b) Take charge of and conduct all correspondence of and for the Club.
c) Maintain a copy of the By-Laws, Standing Rules and approved Local Rules in her book, plus any subsequent changes thereto.
Section 4 The Treasurer shall:
a) Receive all moneys belonging to the Club. Money may be kept by another Board member, thus having two responsible parties
b) Disburse moneys upon receipt of authorized invoices and signed bills.
c) Keep an itemized account of all financial transactions of the Club and render monthly and annual reports
Section 5 The Tournament Director shall:
a) Appoint the Handicap, Ringer, Rules and Special Awards Chairs.
b) Conduct all tournaments and special golfing events for the Señoras and cooperate in joint tournaments with the Men’s Club.
c) Appoint monthly starters to conduct weekly tournaments as well as chairpersons for any special golf events or tournaments, giving them each written instructions for the performance of their duties, consistent with the current Procedural Guideline for such events approved by the Board.
Section 6 The Luncheon director shall:
a) In coordination with the President and Tournament Director, appoint and notify members of their inclusion on a luncheon committee for each month of the fiscal year.
b) In accordance with the written duties of the office, provide complete instructions to each month’s committee members.
c) Plan, promote and conduct all the Club’s social affairs.
d) Purchase all miscellaneous supplies needed for the Club’s social activities, the cost of which is reimbursed by the Treasurer.
Article VI
Section 1 The Handicap Chair shall:
a) Keep an alphabetical record of members’ handicaps and compute handicaps on a monthly basis, arranged by flights and groups.
b) Post a copy of the handicap list on the 19 Hole bulletin board at all times and provide a copy of the list to the monthly starters prior to the first tournament of each month.
c) If requested, keep the membership informed as to the method of posting scores for handicaps.
Section 2 The Membership Chair shall:
a) Collect membership dues annually from members and submit to the Treasurer.
b) Seek and welcome prospective Club members from new and/or short term rental residents.
c) Furnish an up-dated membership roster to all Board members, the Handicap and Ringer Chairs and Parliamentarian, and shall immediately provide the rules Chair with names of new members as they join.
d) Advise interested prospects how to establish temporary and permanent handicaps and participate in club activities.
e) When affirmative response is indicated, present new member with a copy of By-Laws, Standing Rules and Local Rules applicable to RMCC’s golf course.
f) Be responsible for eligibility of a member achieving a Hole-in-one.
g) Arrange for the award payment which is issued by the Treasurer.
h) Purchase an individual trophy with the name of the golfer, the date of the hole-in-one and number of the hole. Engraved plate shall be of such size that subsequent achievements of a hole-in-one can be added. In addition, the name and date shall be added to the Club’s perpetual trophy, which shall be displayed in the 19th hole as outline in the Standing Rules.
i) Present monetary award and trophy at the earliest general meeting of Club members.
j) Collect any necessary assessments from all Club members if treasurer funds are unavailable for monetary awards, trophies and engravings.
Section 3 The Rules Chair shall:
a) Thoroughly familiarize herself with the Rules of Golf as adopted by the USGA.
b) Ensure that members comply with the Señoras Local Rules Book and USGA Rules Book.
c) Keep members informed of Rule changes: post on bulletin board and discuss at monthly meetings.
d) Settle all disputes, complaints and interpretations of the rules, with right of appeal to the Board.
e) Distribute Golfing Señoras Rules Book to new members.
f) Discuss changes to be made in Local Rules with the Señoras Board.
- Rules chair shall not make any Rules changes before this discussion. Make changes or additions in all Golfing Señoras Rules books which have not been distributed.
Section 4 The Ringer Chair shall:
a) Collect a one dollar ($1.00) fee every quarter, commencing the first day of March, June, September and December, from Club members ho wish to participate in this special event.
b) Post Ringer records on the 19th Hole bulletin board each week before the start of Tuesday play days.
c) Post Ringer results at the end of each quarter on the bulletin board.
d) Dispense awards to the 18-Hole and 9-Hole winners A and B flights.
Section 5 The special Awards Chair shall:
a) Place markers on green of selected hole for closest to the pin.
b) Collect quarters before play of each play day for closest to the pin, chip-ins and birdies and provide sign-up sheets.
c) Keep records of winners for the month and dispense awards at the beginning of the next month.
Article VII
Meetings and Elections
Section 1 Unless otherwise requested by the Club and/or by the Board, regular general meetings shall be held monthly on the first Tuesday of each month.
Section 2 The President may call special meetings at any time by giving seven (7) days notice verbally or in writing to all Club members.
Section 3 At the general meeting in March of every year a Nominating Committee shall:
a) Be nominated, elected and choose its own chairperson.
b) Consist of three active members, each of whom shall have been a Club member for at least one year.
c) Confirm eligible nominees to run for the six elected offices who will be officially installed at the June general meeting.
d) Post a written notice on the 19th Hole bulletin board, presenting the names of eligible nominees for each office by the first Tuesday in April.
e) Present the list to the club’s Vice-president for inclusion in RMCC’s Las Noticias newsletter.
Section 4 Election of Nominees at the general meeting in May shall:
a) Include nomination from the floor, but only with the prior approval of those to be nominated.
b) Be determined by a visible show of hands with a majority of votes counted. In contested offices a secret ballot may be used.
c) Members unable to attend the election meeting may instruct the Secretary in writing to cast a vote by proxy for candidates of their choice.
d) New and/or re-elected officers shall be installed at the regular general meeting in June of every year.
Article VIII
Section 1 In order to transact official Club business, a quorum, consisting of a majority of the members in attendance at a meeting and including at least two elected officer of the Club, must be present at a general meeting.
Article IX
Section 1 These By-Laws may be amended or revised at any general meeting of Club members, or at a special meeting classed for that purpose, by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting; providing that:
a) Fifteen (15) days written notice of the meeting has been given to all Club members.
b) The entire proposed amendment(s) or revision(s) are included in said notice.
c) Posting of this notice on the 19th Hole bulletin board is deemed to be sufficient.
Section 2 Standing Rules may be amended by a majority vote of Club members present and voting at any meeting.
Article X
Parliamentary Authority
Section 1 Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority of the Club, subject to the special rules that have been adopted by the Club.
Section 2 The Parliamentarian shall:
a) Keep copies of By-Laws, Standing Rules and any other approved changes thereto, in her file.
b) Originate and furnish copies of approved changes to the Board, all Club members, RMCC’s golf liaison Board Direct and to the Men’s Golf Club president.
c) When necessary or asked, provide advice to any Board or Club member concerning governing of the Club in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
Revised June 2012