Welcome to the Men's Golf group. We plan lots of activities every month and are pleased to have anyone who wishes to play join us every Thursday morning.
We alternate play regularly between Skyline Ranch Country Club golfers and ourselves. We award a Golfer of the Month and Golfer of the Year. We prepare and serve a Pancake Breakfast every year for residents, and we hold a President's Match Play competition. Members alternate being starters for each month .
The annual dues are $25 and we prefer cash in an envelope marked with with your name.
If you have not been a member in the past we hope that you will reconsider joining the Men's League. While there is competition, there is a lot of fellowship. Golfing is a great way to get to know your neighbors better and enjoy this great little piece of paradise we call Rancho Monserate.
4650 Dulin Road, Fallbrook, CA
Phone No.: (760) 728-2316
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday