Architectural & Landscape Controls
A Handbook of Regulations and Procedures
Revised 5-14-2008
The Rancho Monserate Homeowners Association Board of Directors recognizes that exceptions to some of the provisions contained in this booklet can be found within the park. These exceptions were completed prior to the adoption of the rules set forth herein and are not considered to be justification for continuance of such practices when redeveloping lots or reworking existing buildings or improvements.
There are no automatic approvals. All exterior work requires submission of an application and approval by the Committee prior to commencement of work.
Forward: Committee
I Plans and Specifications
II Homes - General Requirements
III Environmental and Building Control
IV Home Exteriors
V Other Exterior Installations
VI Trees and Shrubs
VII Noncompliance
This handbook of Architectural Controls has been prepared for the residents of RANCHO MONSERATE COUNTRY CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION and their tenants in order to provide all with a common source of information regarding the basic standards, regulations and procedures. They are equally binding on all residents.
A Committee for Architectural and Landscape control has been appointed by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Monserate Country Club Homeowners Association, Inc. under the authority of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (Article IX Section 9.02) as recorded February 1, 2002.
This Committee shall be composed of three (3) or five (5) members, all of whom shall be residents and owners in Rancho Monserate. Their appointment shall be for a term of one year and they must be re-appointed or alternates chosen at the conclusion of each term.
The purpose of this Committee is to establish and enforce general and specific regulations and procedures in matters pertaining to community architectural standards in order to preserve and enhance respective property values.
The general scope of the Architectural Control and Landscape Committee encompasses all home exteriors and attachments, all other freestanding buildings and structures, existing or to be placed upon the condominium living units, including major landscaping elements, and those common area properties as requested by the Board of Directors.
It is the specific responsibility of this Committee to approve or disapprove all plans and specifications submitted to it as expeditiously as possible depending upon the complexity and scope of the proposed project.
I Plans and Specifications
1.1 All plans or proposals for whatever architectural or landscaping purpose must be submitted on the Architectural Landscape/Approval Request form together with the necessary drawings, sketches, specifications and/or narratives in order for the Committee to make fair and impartial judgement for approval or disapproval.
1.1.1 Discuss plans with adjacent neighbors and obtain their signatures on the application form.
1.2 The owner should submit five (5) sets of Approval Requests plus plans and specifications, including contractor plans and specifications, if available. A copy will be returned to the owner. The original will be filed in the HOA office.
1.3 All material submitted to the Committee must be identified with the name, address and telephone number of the property owner. The location in Rancho Monserate shall be given by space number.
1.4 It is the responsibility of the owner or contractor to secure the necessary building permits where applicable for all projects.
1.5 Generally building permits are required for any construction that attaches to the home, or is a load bearing structure allowing for entry of a person, or is in restraint of earth, such as a retaining wall.
1.6 All plans and specifications that have been submitted to the Committee and approved shall be completed within ninety (90) days of the date of approval unless otherwise extended by the Committee in writing.
1.7 It is the sole responsibility of the lot owner to make certain that plans and/or specifications are received at the Office for review by the Committee. It is not the responsibility of the contractor or subcontractor.
II Homes - General Requirements
2.1 All replacement homes must be new, manufactured and approved by the Committee prior to installation.
2.2 All homes must be single story construction.
2.3 A performance bond in an amount set by the Board will be required to ensure satisfactory completion of the home installation and landscape.
2.4 All homes brought into Rancho Monserate must be a minimum of twenty-four (24) feet in width, and fifty-four (54) feet in length excluding any overhangs and/or towing devices unless constrained by the existing lot size.
2.5 All home roofs must be of fire resistant composition shingles or tile of a muted color to eliminate glare.
2.6 All homes shall have a driveway of colored or natural finish concrete that may be stamped. Driveways must provide off-street parking for two (2) cars (See 2.7).
2.6.1 Deteriorated driveways or previously painted driveways may be re-coated with approval of the Committee. An epoxy non-skid finish is recommended.
2.6.2 One concrete pad may be constructed for the parking of a golf cart.
2.7 All homes shall have carport covers which will provide adequate cover for two (2) cars.
2.8 All homes shall have minimum of 12 inch eaves on all sides.
2.9 Gutters shall be installed on the entire length of all homes and have down spouts that terminate into drains which empty onto the street.
2.10 All hitches, axles and wheels must be removed from the lot.
2.11 All set backs must be in compliance with state and county building codes. The only items that may encroach into the set-backs are flatwork, retaining walls and fences, metal carport extensions and landscaping.
3.1 No building, fence, wall, obstruction, exterior wiring, balcony, screen, patio, patio cover, tent, awning, carport, carport cover, trellis, roof improvement or structure of any kind shall be commenced, installed, erected, painted, or re-painted or maintained upon the property nor shall any alteration or improvement of any kind be made thereto until the same has been approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee before obtaining County approval if required.
3.2 Plans and specifications including plot plans with elevations, showing the nature, kind, shape, color, size, materials, and locations of such improvements, alterations, etc. shall be submitted to the Committee.
3.3 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the right of the property owner to modify the interior of his/her home.
3.4 Landscaping of yards shall normally be done with natural plants, shrubs, flowers and trees, however other materials such as artificial turf or gravel may be approved.
3.5 After placement of a home in Rancho Monserate the owner shall, within three (3) months of such replacement complete the landscape and all improvements that had been approved by the Committee.
4.1 Carport, shed and patio roofs shall be of the same color as the house roof whenever possible. No highly reflective roofs are permitted. Any plan for re-roofing established homes must have Committee approval. No fiberglass or plastic roofs on carports, patios, or storage sheds will be permitted.
4.2 Home siding may be of vertical grooved or ship-lap type. Vinyl or other non-metallic material may also be used if approved. The Committee must be notified if all four sides of the home will not be of the same material or design. Other materials will be considered on an individual basis.
4.3 Storage sheds must not contain more than a total of one hundred twenty (120) square feet, and must be constructed of a material and color to match the home exterior.
4.4 All carport and patio roofs will be unitized with the same material and color as the home fascia.
4.5 The exterior of all homes shall be painted per a choice of color(s) conforming to the color selector provided by the Committee. The color book is located in the Clubhouse Copy Room.
4.6 The use of airless sprayers to paint any exterior structure on the residential lots will be allowed as long as the resident places a refundable deposit with the Homeowners Office, in an amount set by the Board and the neighbors are notified of the airless spray painting and approve in writing.
4.7 Skirting shall match the house in material and color. Alternate materials will be considered.
4.8 Plans for room additions must receive approval by the committee prior to submission to the County.
5.1 Split rail, grape stake, open wood, PVC and wrought iron fencing may be considered, but must not exceed six (6) feet in height; fiberglass or wire materials will not be allowed.
5.2 Slump stone, brick or masonry block walls may be used around rear yards and patios, but must not exceed four (4) feet in height.
5.4 Exterior lighting must have Committee approval.
5.5 Roof mounted evaporative coolers or refrigeration units are not permitted on any home or shed. Window mounted cooling devices may be considered.
5.6 All refuse containers, wood piles, storage areas, appliances or equipment shall be PROHIBITED on any lot, including patio and carports unless obscured from view of adjoining lots and streets by a fence or appropriate screen which has been approved by the Committee. As a exception to this, fireplace wood, if neatly stacked, may be approved.
5.7 All water softeners installed on lots in Rancho Monserate must be commercially serviced. Existing back-washing units must not be replaced nor moved from one home to another in the park.
5.8 There shall be no exterior clotheslines.
5.9 Exterior flagpoles must not exceed twenty (20) feet.
5.10 Wind powered turbines may be installed on home roofs to help cool the attic areas.
5.11 Solar heating, or photo-voltaic panels of generally accepted commercial design may be installed.
5.12 The use of corrugated or flat panels of plastic or translucent fiberglass for privacy screens is not acceptable. Existing installations of these materials shall not be renewed or expanded. In any case, no such screens will be permitted which present reflective exterior surface to adjacent neighbor's homes.
5.13 The following applies to satellite dish installation: Prior to installation, advise the Architectural Control Committee of the proposed dish location on your property on the Request Form.
5.13.1 Dishes may not exceed one meter (39.2 inches) in diameter.
5.13.2 Wherever possible, landscaping should screen the installed dish.
5.13.3 Installations are limited to homeowners exclusive use property and may not extend onto common area.
5.13.4 The Association may request an alternate location, provided the alternate location does not exceed the cost of the original site and the reception is comparable.
5.14 All US Postal Service mailboxes are to be standard black, consistent with others in the park. Any existing decorative mailboxes will be considered "grandfathered" until such time as they require replacement due to normal wear or when that property is sold. Resident's name plate and unit numbers should be attached to the top of each mailbox.
6.1 Residents submitting landscape plans should provide documentation indicating the normal growth height expected for each species. Trees and shrubs planted two (2) feet on center eventually will become a barrier and would be considered a fence.
6.2 Trees must not be allowed to obstruct the view of other property owners nor extend over a neighbor's property.
6.3 Existing trees and shrubs must not be allowed to create "blind" corners at intersections.
6.4 It is the responsibility of the owners to maintain all trees, shrubs, and landscape materials on their lots as required per preceding paragraphs.
6.5 Accumulations of fallen leaves, which exceed a reasonable amount for mulch, must be removed to avoid a possible fire hazard.
6.6 No encroachment of planting will be allowed into the common areas.
7.1 In the event of the failure of any property owner to comply with these guidelines the Association shall follow the Rules Enforcement Policy in order to gain compliance.