Want to experience a pleasurable game of golf? You are in the right place.
The Who Cares Gang meets on Friday with sign-up at 11:00 AM and a start at 11:30 AM. Fee is $3.00 per round with all money collected paid out to low-net winners. We usually have one hole as Closest-to-the-Hole which pays $5.00.
Afterwards, everyone is encouraged to partake in story telling (little white lies) and camaraderie in the 19 ½ hole.
Dues are just $12.00 a year and our Social Group (Wives and Friends) is just $5.00.
All members are required to sign up to provide a meal at our First Friday of the Month Ladies Day Scramble. You are with six or seven members so the cost is minimal. Members are also able to attend other functions such as the “Who Cares Gang Christmas Party.”
If you have any questions, you can contact any of our members or officers.
President – Jim Kelley
4650 Dulin Road, Fallbrook, CA
Phone No.: (760) 728-2316
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday